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 Are there fees associated with PayPal services?

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Number of posts : 1264
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-03-08

Are there fees associated with PayPal services? Empty
PostSubject: Are there fees associated with PayPal services?   Are there fees associated with PayPal services? EmptyThu 20 Mar - 18:14

PayPal will charge a small fee to your credit card when you link it to your PayPal account. The charge amount is once the PayPal code is entered and your card is confirmed.

There may be fees to receive payments and to withdraw funds to a non-U.S. bank account (depending on the amount you withdraw).

Personal accounts can accept a limited number of credit or debit card-funded payments per year and are assessed a transaction fee. To view your Personal account limit, log in to your account and click View Limits.

Premier and Business accounts are charged a small fee to receive payments. All fees are subject to change.

Fees are assessed at the time of the transaction. When you receive a payment in your account, PayPal deducts the fee. The fee amount appears in your transaction history in the Fee column.
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Are there fees associated with PayPal services?
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